Menopause changed me !

Are you experiencing discomfort? Do you feel that your body is changing? We have encouraging news! You are not the only one going through this and we can help !

Dry skin, coated mouth, joint pains, weight gain with love handles, water retention, bloating... and sometimes even a return of acne...

Indeed, it looks like you are experiencing menopause symptoms. And your body is talking to you!

Our advice?
Laugh, move, but most importantly, move away from any feelings of anger or sadness. Do not let menopause take over your emotions and take charge, get some help and get rid of all the negative waves by engaging in sports, walks, yoga, breathing, or sophrology.

How to take care of yourself to avoid gaining weight:

For more than half of the women, gaining weight is inevitable. It starts slowly, usually around the lap belt. A special menopause diet can help adjust this weight gain:

  • We combine proteins and vegetables with exercising and going on walks
  • We drink a lot of water filled with magnesium
  • We avoid fast-released carbs, coffee, and alcohol
  • We reduce our consumption of dessert or industrial products. We try to eat raw or cooked fresh ingredients… it is indeed more expensive, but we eat less!

Nutrifem Advanced Formula acts safely against the menopause’s symptoms and helps avoid gaining weight.

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Menocomfort advanced formula

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